Slava Paperno (director)
Krystyna Golovakova
Raissa Krivitsky
Viktoria Tsimberov
Richard L. Leed (1929-2011)
Lora Paperno (retired)

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Self-Paced Elementary Russian: Syllabus
  • Rooms and times (navigation bar on the left): when, where, and who
  • Course Description: materials, homework guide, tests, grading
  • Course evaluation form: online, any time, anonymous
  • Fonts: if Russian accented vowels are not displayed correctly, see note at the bottom of the window.
  • Homework: each row in this table shows the assignment for the day.
  • Printable view of this syllabus

Russian 1131-1132 is a TBA (Time to Be Arranged) course. The class days/times are chosen at the organizational meeting. We always try to accommodate everyone. The time and place of the organizational meeting are announced on our Welcome page, see the navigation bar on the left.

The calendars below are established at the organizational meeting.

At the beginning of the semester, we decide, for each group of students, how many days of this syllabus they want to cover each week, in other words, how fast they want to move through the material.

The pace you select is measured in credit hours. Russian 1131 in the fall can be taken for 2 or 3 credits per semester. (Compared to the 4 or 5 credits in 1121.) The same is true of Russian 1132 in the spring (2 or 3 credits vs. 4 or 5 credits in 1122.) Theoretically, this means that in a given semester we may be teaching two sections of the course, each section moving at its own pace. This has been true in practice as well, though the number of sections we can teach depends on our teaching resources and the level of interest among the students.

The 2-credit section meets 4 times a week for 30 minutes each time. The 3-credit section meets 4 times a week, for 40 minutes each time.

If you use Russian 1131 and 1132 to fulfill your foreign language requirement, you need to accumulate at least 11 credit hours in all RUSSA courses combined. This can be achieved by taking Russian 1103/1104 at the same time as 1131/1132 or taking 1125/1125/2203 after 1132. See "Language requirement" under Courses in the navigation bar on the left.

How to read the calendar and assignments below
Click the "show/hide" link for your group and find the current week. Note the references to the Days in Homework. Scroll down and find the assignments for those days under HOMEWORK; the assignments listed for each day must be done before coming to class. Be sure to read the Course Description (see link at the top) to find out how to do each type of homework.

Group A (3-credit, 1st semester) assignment calendar
(four 40-minute required meetings/week)
Group B (3-credit, 2nd semester) assignment calendar
(four 40-minute required meetings/week)

Review pages for Days 1 - 70

COLLT Review Lessons 10-52
Written Homework Review Lessons 10-52
Eralash Review
Review & Research Papers 1-3

Review pages for Days 71 - 150

COLLT Review Lessons 53-110
Written Homework Review Lessons 53-109
Film Review

Final exams
See the detailed notes on the final exam in the Course Description (link at the top of this page): the 1131-1132 final exams are very similar to the finals in Russian 1121 or Russian 1122 and include only the days in the syllabus that were covered by your group.

Days 1 - 10 [show/hide]
Days 11 - 20 [show/hide]
Days 21 - 30 [show/hide]
Days 31 - 40 [show/hide]
Days 41 - 50 [show/hide]
Days 51 - 60 [show/hide]
Days 61 - 70 [show/hide]
Days 71 - 80 [show/hide]
Days 81 - 90 [show/hide]
Days 91 - 100 [show/hide]
Days 101 - 110 [show/hide]
Days 111 - 120 [show/hide]
Days 121 - 130 [show/hide]
Days 131 - 140 [show/hide]
Days 141 - 150 [show/hide]
Days 151 - 160 [show/hide]
This Web site uses custom Russian fonts with accented vowels (ЂђЃ Љљѓ ЌќЊ, etc.).
If your browser does not display them correctly, follow these directions.
Dept. of Comparative Literature • Russian Language Program • 240 Goldwin Smith Hall • Cornell University • Ithaca, NY 14853-4701, USA
tel. 607/255-4155 • fax 607/255-8177 • email [email protected]