Directions for using COLLT Exercises and Tests

Russian online exercises and tests, when indicated in the Course Description or Syllabus, are part of the Cornell On-Line Language Testing (COLLT) Web site programmed by Slava Paperno. You'll find it at this URL:

Although the site is called Tests, some of the courses there are actually self-test exercises that do not record your score and/or allow you to modify your answers at will at any time until your score is perfect. You can use them for practice because they tell you whether each response is correct or not; you can retry the questions where you made a mistake.

COLLT Account

Unless you already have a COLLT account, you should register: type your email address (preferably a Cornell address) under New Users and click Continue. Your password will be sent to you at this email address.

Some questions in the registration form may seem surprising, but they're there because COLLT is also used for placement tests. Optional fields are so marked, all other information is required. If you don't have a Cornell ID or Cornell Net ID (e.g., because you are an Ithaca College student), type the corresponding info for your school. For our purposes, you may fill out the form for Russian only and ignore the "Other languages" button.

If you have a COLLT account because you took a COLLT exam in some other language, you must edit your COLLT profile to add Russian to the languages you've studied.

You can use the COLLT Login link under "On-line course materials" to go directly to the login page.


When your Syllabus indicates that you should do some COLLT exercises or take an online test, go to the language lab in Noyes Lodge and use any Windows or Macintosh computer there to log in. You may also be able to use your own computer from the dorm or some other location with an Internet connection. If you need help using your own computer for COLLT, talk to Slava (but don't wait until the deadline for the homework or test).

We don't have many Russian tests at COLLT, but we highly recommend using the Beginning Russian Quizzes and Intermediate Russian Exercises as practice for our beginning and intermediate courses. These simple exercises will help you test yourself on Russian endings.

Some COLLT courses allow you to resume your first session multiple times (even for the duration of a entire semester) so as to correct your answers or to continue doing the exercises that you may have skipped the first time. The green "skip" control allows you to jump to any page. There is an easy way to find all pages where you made a mistake: the page titles in the drop-down "skip" list are tagged with various punctuation symbols; for example, the pages with errors are tagged with "?". Hold your mouse pointer over the "skip" control and read the legend that explains all tags.


Here are the answers to most frequently asked questions regarding the Russian grammar exercises in COLLT.

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