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Russian 1122: Syllabus
  • Rooms and times (navigation bar on the left): when, where, and who
  • Course Description: materials, homework guide, tests, grading
  • Course evaluation form: online, any time, anonymous
  • Fonts: if Russian accented vowels are not displayed correctly, see note at the bottom of the window.
  • Homework: each row in this table shows the assignment for the day.
  • Printable view of this syllabus
Be sure to read the Course Description (link at the top of this page), about the difference between 1121 and this course.
Week 1: Sunday 01/21/24 - Saturday 01/27/24 [show/hide]
no homework (in class: What I Saw; Les. 51, 52)
Read in Beginning Russian: Les. 51, 52
Self-Test Quiz to Lessons 51, 52 in COLLT. Target score (restarted this semester): 18. For notes on COLLT work, see Course Description and also the COLLT FAQ.
Read in What I Saw: Вокзал (p. 5, 3 paragraphs)
Write: Les. 51 Ex. 3, Les. 52 Ex. 4.
Review in Beginning Russian: Les. 51 Ex. 3, Les. 52 Ex. 1
Record in WAL: Les. 51
Write: Les. 51 Ex. 5.
no homework (in class: talk about your winter break)
Watch and understand: Crime and Punishment: Crime 1 (all scenes), Crime 2 (all scenes)
Write an English summary of: Crime 1 (all scenes), Crime 2 (all scenes)
Practice: Crime 1: Exercises 2 (2.1, 2.3); Role Playing; Discussion.
Prepare your three questions.
Week 2: Sunday 01/28/24 - Saturday 02/03/24 [show/hide]
Read in Beginning Russian: Les. 53
Record in WAL: Les. 53
Self-Test Quiz to Lesson 53 in COLLT. Target score: 27
Read in What I Saw: Вокзал (p. 5, to the end of the section)
Write: Les. 53 Ex. 5
Read in Beginning Russian: Les. 54, 55
Self-Test Quiz to Lessons 54, 55 in COLLT. Target score: 51
Read in What I Saw: Какая платформа (p. 6; one-third of the page)
Write: Les. 54 Ex. 4
Review in Beginning Russian: Les. 53 Ex. 1, 2; Les. 55: Ex. 2, 3
Write: 55:5 (graded)
Record in WAL: Les. 54
Watch and understand: Crime and Punishment: Crime 3 (all scenes); Crime 4 (all scenes)
Write an English summary of: Crime 3 (all scenes); Crime 4 (all scenes)
Practice: Crime 3: Exercises 1 (1.1, 1.2); Role Playing; Discussion.
Crime 4: Role Playing; Discussion.
Prepare your three questions.
Watch and understand: Tavern: The Tavern 1 (all scenes)
Write an English summary of: The Tavern 1 (all scenes)
Practice: The Tavern 1: Exercise 1 (1.1,); Role Playing; Discussion. Prepare your three questions.
Week 3: Sunday 02/04/24 - Saturday 02/10/24 [show/hide]
Read in Beginning Russian: Les. 56; Les. 58 (Les. 57 is assigned for the next book day)
Record in WAL: Les. 56
Self-Test Quiz to Lesson 56, 58 in COLLT. Target score: 74
Read in What I Saw: Какая платформа (p. 6; to the end of the section on p. 7)
Write: Les. 56: 5
Read in Beginning Russian: Les. 57, GR VII on pp. 135-136
Self-Test Quiz to Lessons 57 in COLLT. Target score: 96
Read in What I Saw: Как я потерялся (p. 7; half of the section)
Write: Les. 58: 5 (yes, Lesson 58 Exercise 5)
Review in Beginning Russian: Les. 56 Ex. 2, 4; Les. 58 Ex. 1, 3
Record in WAL: Les. 57
Write: 57:5 (write the questions and answers; graded)
Watch and understand: Tavern: The Tavern 2 (all scenes)
Write an English summary of: The Tavern 2 (all scenes)
Practice: Tavern: The Tavern 2, Exercises 1 (1.1, 1.2); Role Playing; Discussion. Prepare your three questions.
Watch and understand: Tavern: The Tavern 3 (all scenes)
Write an English summary of: The Tavern 3 (all scenes)
Practice: Tavern: The Tavern 3 Exercises 2 (2.1, 2.2); Exercise 3 (3.1); Role Playing; Discussion. Prepare your three questions.
Week 4: Sunday 02/11/24 - Saturday 02/17/24 [show/hide]
Review in Beginning Russian: Les. 57 (yes, again) Ex. 1, 2, 3
Record in WAL: Les. 58
Read in Beginning Russian: Les. 59, Les 60
Self-Test Quiz to Lessons 59, 60 in COLLT. Target score: 135.
Read in What I Saw: Как я потерялся (p. 7; to the end of the section on p. 8)
Write: Les. 60 Ex. 4
Review in Beginning Russian: Les. 59 Ex. 1, 3; Les. 60 Ex. 1, 2
Record in WAL: Les. 60
Write: 59:4 (graded)
Watch and understand: Tavern: The Tavern 4
Write an English summary of: The Tavern 4
Practice: Tavern: The Tavern 4, Exercises 2 (2.1, 2.2, 2.3); Role Playing; Discussion. Prepare your three questions.
Watch and understand: The Tavern: The Tavern 5 (all scenes)
Write an English summary of: The Tavern 5 (all scenes)
Practice: The Tavern: The Tavern 5, Exercises 4, (4.1, 4.2); Role Playing; Discussion. Prepare your three questions.
Week 5: Sunday 02/18/24 - Saturday 02/24/24 [show/hide]
Read in Beginning Russian: Les. 61, 62
Record in WAL: Les. 61
Self-Test Quiz to Lessons 61, 62 in COLLT. Target score: 160.
Read in What I Saw: Как я нашелся (p. 8)
Write: Les. 61 Ex. 4
Read in Beginning Russian: Les. 63, 64
Self-Test Quiz to Lessons 63, 64 in COLLT. Target score: 178.
Read in What I Saw: Вагон (pp. 7-8)
Write: Les 64 Ex. 5 (write the sentences in full)
Review in Beginning Russian: Les. 61 Ex. 1, 2, 3; Les. 63 Ex. 1, 2
Write: 62:5 (graded)
Record in WAL: Les. 62
Watch and understand: The Tavern: The Tavern 6, The Tavern 7, The Tavern 8 (all scenes)
Write an English summary of: The Tavern 6, The Tavern 7, The Tavern 8 (all scenes)
Practice: The Tavern: The Tavern 6, Exercise 2, Exercise 4; Role Playing; Discussion. The Tavern 7, Exercise 6; Role Playing; Discussion. The Tavern 8, Role Playing; Discussion. Prepare your three questions.
Watch and review: Crime and Punishment or The Tavern
Prepare a skit: Working with another student from your 1122 section, select any scene(s) from the film that you chose to review, memorize the dialog, and be prepared to perform it in class. You may write your own skits or make changes in the dialog and the story, if you like, but keep the vocabulary close to the original. Send your script to the teacher for corrections and feedback. Finally, meet with your partner on Zoom and record your scene or skit.
Week 6: Sunday 02/25/24 - Saturday 03/02/24 [show/hide]
февральские каникулы
февральские каникулы
unusual day
Read in Beginning Russian: Les. 65, 66
Record in WAL: Les. 66
Self-Test Quiz to Lessons 65, 66 in COLLT. Target score: 200.
Read in What I Saw: Собачка Инзол (p. 9; half of the section)
Write: Les. 65 Ex. 3
unusual day
Read in Beginning Russian: Les. 67, 68
Self-Test Quiz to Lesson 67, 68 in COLLT. Target score: 221.
Read in What I Saw: Собачка Инзол (p. 9-10; to the end of the section)
Write: Les. 67 Ex. 3 (write the last two speeches of the dialog with all substitutions)
unusual day
Review in Beginning Russian: Les. 65 Ex. 1, 2; Les. 67 Ex. 2, 3
Write: the 12 infinitive forms of the verbs in the box at the bottom of page 162 in Lesson 66. (graded)
Record in WAL: Les. 68
Week 7: Sunday 03/03/24 - Saturday 03/09/24 [show/hide]
Read in Beginning Russian: Les. 69, 70
Record in WAL: Les. 69
Self-Test Quiz to Lessons 69, 70 in COLLT. Target score: 249.
Read in What I Saw: Как мы поехали (p. 10)
Write: Les. 69. Ex. 2 (omit the first speech--П's--and write the other three speeches, 24 sentences total)
Read in Beginning Russian: Les. 71, 72
Self-Test Quiz to Lessons 71, 72 in COLLT. Target score: 286.
Read in What I Saw: skip to, and read, Как поезд остановили (half of the section)
Write: Les. 72 Ex. 3 SPEED TEST (write complete sentences)
Review in Beginning Russian: Les. 69 Ex. 2, 4; Les. 71 Ex. 1, 2, 3
Write: 70:4 (graded)
Record in WAL: Les. 71
Watch and understand: Walking Around Moscow: A Walk 1 (all scenes).
Write an English summary of: A walk 1 (all scenes)
Practice: A Walk 1, Exercises 1 (1, 2, 3); Exercises 5. (1, 2); Role Playing; Discussion. Prepare your three questions.
Watch and understand: Walking Around Moscow: A Walk 2 (all scenes).
Write an English summary of: A walk 2 (all scenes)
Practice: A Walk 2, Exercises 1 (1.1.2, 2); Exercises 2. (2.1, 2.2); Role Playing; Discussion. Prepare your three questions.
Week 8: Sunday 03/10/24 - Saturday 03/16/24 [show/hide]
Read in Beginning Russian: Les. 73, 74
Record in WAL: Les. 73
Self-Test Quiz to Lessons 73, 74 in COLLT. Target score: 329.
Read in What I Saw: Как мы спать легли
Write: Les. 74 Ex. 4

Оptional: watch these videos to see today's big-city supermarkets in Russia:
Гдљ молћчный отдљл?
Где касса?
Ї к вђм попћзже зайдџ

Read in Beginning Russian: Les. 75, 76
Self-Test Quiz to Lessons 75, 76 in COLLT. Target score: 356.
Read in What I Saw: Как нам кофе принесли (pp.13-14; the first half of the section)
Write: Les. 76 Ex. 3 (10 substitutions only)
Review in Beginning Russian: Les. 74 Ex. 1, 2; Les. 75 Ex. 2, 3, 4
Write: 73:5 (use abbreviated format that will allow you to avoid repeating the same part of the sentence, e,g. Я получила открытку от Сашиного отца/от Сашиной сестры. (graded)
Record in WAL: Les. 76
Optional: песня из кинофильма "Я шагаю по Москве" on YouTube
Watch and understand: Walking Around Moscow: A Walk 3 (all scenes); A Walk 4 (all scenes).
Write an English summary of: A walk 3 (all scenes); A Walk 4 (all scenes)
Practice: A Walk 3, A Walk 4: Exercises 2 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5); Role Playing; Discussion. Prepare your three questions.
Watch and understand: Walking Around Moscow: A Walk 5 (all scenes); A Walk 6 (all scenes)
Write an English summary of: A walk 5 (all scenes); A Walk 6 (all scenes)
Practice: A Walk 5, Exercises 3 (1); Exercises 4. (1, 2); Role Playing; Discussion. Prepare your three questions.
Week 9: Sunday 03/17/24 - Saturday 03/23/24 [show/hide]
Read in Beginning Russian: Les. 77, 78
Record in WAL: Les. 77
Self-Test Quiz to Lessons 77, 78 in COLLT. Target score: 385.
Read in What I Saw: Мы приехали (pp. 15-16)
Write: Les. 78 Ex. 2 (write the questions and the last speech of the dialog as the response)
Read in Beginning Russian: Les. 79, 80
These (optional) videos may help you practice telling time in Russian: try this or this or this It may be fun to the dice button in this interactive clock as you practice with a friend.

Self-Test Quiz to Lessons 79, 80 in COLLT. Target score: 403.
Read in What I Saw: Какое такси (pp. 18-19; read as much as you have time for)
Write: Les. 80 Ex. 1 SPEED TEST (write complete sentences)
Review in Beginning Russian: Les. 77 Ex. 1, 2, 3; Les. 79 Ex. 1, 2
Write: 79:2 (write out the times in the first column in the first sentence, e.g. Уже пять минут девятого. (graded)
Record in WAL: Les. 78
Watch and understand: The Courier: The Courier 1 (all scenes)
Write an English summary of: The Courier 1 (all scenes)
Practice: The Courier 1, Exercises 5 (5.1, 5.2); Role Playing; Discussion. Prepare your three questions.
Memorize: The Courier 1; Scene 6.
Watch and understand: The Courier: The Courier 2 (all scenes)
Write an English summary of: The Courier 2 (all scenes)
Practice: The Courier 2, Exercises 2 (2.1,); The Courier 2, Exercises 8 (8.1, 8.2). Role Playing; Discussion. Prepare your three questions.
Week 10: Sunday 03/24/24 - Saturday 03/30/24 [show/hide]
Read in Beginning Russian: Les. 81, 82
Record in WAL: Les. 82
Self-Test Quiz to Lessons 81, 82 in COLLT. Target score: 420.
Read in What I Saw: Как в Москве на улицах (pp. 19-20; read as much as you have time for)
Write: Les. 82 Ex. 3 (write complete sentences)
Read in Beginning Russian: Les. 83, 84
Self-Test Quiz to Lessons 83, 84 in COLLT. Target score: 454.
Read in What I Saw: Светофор (pp. 20-21; read as much as you have time for)
Write: Les. 84 Ex. 2 SPEED DRILL (write complete sentences)
Review in Beginning Russian: Les. 81 Ex. 1; Les. 82 Ex. 1
Write: 83:3
Record in WAL: Les. 83
Watch and understand: The Courier: The Courier 3 (all scenes)
Write an English summary of: The Courier 3 (all scenes)
Practice: The Courier 3; Exercises 1 (1.1, 1.2); Role Playing; Discussion. Prepare your three questions.
Watch and understand: The Courier: The Courier 4 (all scenes)
Write an English summary of: The Courier 4 (all scenes)
Practice: The Courier 4; Exercises 2 (2.1, 2.2); Exercises 7 (7.1); Role Playing; Discussion. Prepare your three questions.
Memorize: The Courier 4; Scene 2
Week 11: Sunday 03/31/24 - Saturday 04/06/24 [show/hide]
весенние каникулы
весенние каникулы
весенние каникулы
весенние каникулы
весенние каникулы
Week 12: Sunday 04/07/24 - Saturday 04/13/24 [show/hide]
Read in Beginning Russian: Les. 85, 86, pp. 203-205
Record in WAL: Les. 85
Self-Test Quiz to Lessons 85, 86 in COLLT. Target score: 494
Read in What I Saw: Мы приехали в гостиницу «Москва» (pp. 21-22)
Write: 86:3 Write complete sentences
Read in Beginning Russian: Les. 87, 88
Self-Test Quiz to Lessons 87, 88 in COLLT. Target score: 527.
Read in What I Saw: Как в гостинице. Башни (pp. 22-23; read as much as you have time for)
Write: Les. 87 Ex. 2 SPEED TEST (write complete sentences)
Review in Beginning Russian: Les. 86, Ex. 1, 4; Les. 88, Ex 1, 2, 3
Write: 85:3 (write the first two lines in the dialog for all six substitutions) (graded)
Record in WAL: Les. 87
Watch and understand: The Courier: The Courier 5 (all scenes)
Write an English summary of: The Courier 5 (all scenes)
Practice: The Courier 5; Exercises 1 (1.1, 1.2, 1.3); Role Playing; Discussion. Prepare your three questions.
Watch and understand: The Courier: The Courier 6 (all scenes); The Courier 7 (all scenes)
Write an English summary of: Courier 6 (all scenes); The Courier 7 (all scenes)
Practice: The Courier 6; Exercises 4 (4.1); Role Playing; Discussion; The Courier 7; Role Playing; Discussion. Prepare your three questions.
Memorize: The Courier 7; Scene 2
Week 13: Sunday 04/14/24 - Saturday 04/20/24 [show/hide]
Read in Beginning Russian: Les. 89, 90
Record in WAL: Les. 89
Self-Test Quiz to Lessons 89, 90 in COLLT. Target score: 548.
Read in What I Saw: Башни (pp. 23-24; to the end of the section)
Write: Les. 89 Ex. 4; Les. 90 Ex. 4
Read in Beginning Russian: Les. 91, 92
Self-Test Quiz to Lessons 91, 92 in COLLT. Target score: 581.
Read in What I Saw: Какой номер (p. 24)
Write: Les. 91 Ex. 4 (write only the last sentence of the dialog, with all substitutions)
Review in Beginning Russian: Les.89 Ex. 1, 2, 3; Les. 90 Ex. 1, 2
Write: 92:2 (write the six substitution sentences in the SPEED TSET box) (graded)
Record in WAL: Les. 92
Watch and review: Walking around Moscow or The Courier
Prepare a skit: Working with another student from your 1122 section, select any scene(s) from the film that you chose to review, memorize the dialog, and be prepared to perform it in class. You may write your own skits or make changes in the dialog and the story, if you like, but keep the vocabulary close to the original. Send your script to the teacher for corrections and feedback. Finally, meet with your partner on Zoom and record your scene or skit.
Watch and understand: Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears: Moscow 1 (scenes 1-7)
Write an English summary of: Moscow 1 (scenes 1-7)
Practice: Moscow 1 (scenes 1-7); Exercises 2 (2.1, 2.2,); Exercises 5 (5.1); Role Playing; Discussion. Prepare your three questions.
Week 14: Sunday 04/21/24 - Saturday 04/27/24 [show/hide]
Read in Beginning Russian: Les. 93, 94, pp. 216, 217
Record in WAL: Les. 93
Self-Test Quiz to Lessons 93, 94 in COLLT. Target score: 618.
Read in What I Saw: Как я купался и что потом сделал (p. 24; read as much as you have time for)
Write: Les. 93 Ex. 4 (write only the first two sentences of the dialog, with all substitutions)
Read in Beginning Russian: Les. 95, 96, p. 218
Self-Test Quiz to Lessons 95, 96 in COLLT. Target score: 642.
Read in What I Saw: Как мы пили чай и про звонок (pp. 25-26)
Write: Les. 96 Ex. 2
Review in Beginning Russian: Les. 93 Ex. 3, Les. 94 Ex. 1, 2; Les. 95 Ex. 3, Les. 96 Ex. 2;
Write: Les. 94 Ex. 1 (SPEED TEST)
Record in WAL: Les. 96
Watch and understand: Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears: Moscow 1 (scenes 8 - 12)
Write an English summary of: Moscow 1 (scenes 8 - 12)
Practice: Moscow 1 (scenes 8-12); Exercises 8 (8.1); Exercises 12 (12.1, 12.2); Role Playing; Discussion. Prepare your three questions.
Watch and understand: Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears: Moscow 2 (scenes 1-5)
Write an English summary of: Moscow 2 (scenes 1-5)
Practice: Moscow 2 (scenes 1-5); Exercises 4 (4.1, 4.2,); Exercises 5 (5.1); Role Playing; Discussion; Prepare your three questions
Week 15: Sunday 04/28/24 - Saturday 05/04/24 [show/hide]
Read in Beginning Russian: Les. 97, 98
Record in WAL: Les. 97
Self-Test Quiz to Lessons 97, 98 in COLLT. Target score: 663.
Read in What I Saw: Красная площадь (p. 26; read as much as you have time for)
Write: Les. 97 Ex. 4
Read in Beginning Russian: Les. 99, 100
Self-Test Quiz to Lessons 99, 100a, 100b in COLLT. Target score: 592
Read in What I Saw: Красная площадь (сколько можете)
Write: Les. 99 Ex. 4
Grammar review class: go over your written homework for the semester, or the lessons in the book, and note any issues that you do not fully understand or remember, or are likely to have trouble with at the final exam. For this review, and for your preparation for the final exam, you may find these links useful:

COLLT Review Lessons 51-100; Written Homework Review Lessons 53-101; Film Review; note this description of the final exam.

Watch and understand: Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears: Moscow 2 (scenes 6 - 12)
Write an English summary of: Moscow 2 (scenes 6 - 12)
Practice: Moscow 2 (scenes 6-12); Exercises 6 (6.1); Exercises 8 (8.1, 8.2); Role Playing; Discussion. Prepare your three questions. (no vocabulary quiz)
Watch and understand: Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears: Moscow 3 (all scenes)
Write an English summary of: Moscow 3 (all scenes)
Practice: Moscow 3; Exercises 11 (11.1, 11.2,); Role Playing; Discussion. Prepare your three questions.
Week 16: Sunday 05/05/24 - Saturday 05/11/24 [show/hide]
unusual day (most likely taught by Viktoria)
Watch and understand: Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears: Moscow 4 (all scenes); Moscow 5 (all scenes)
Write an English summary of: Moscow 4 (all scenes); Moscow 5 (all scenes)
Practice: Moscow 4, scene 3 Ex. 1. Bring to class a few family pictures, magazine photos, or drawings of your family members. Prepare a brief story about each (real or fictional). For example: Это моя мама (папа, бабушка, дедушка, сестра, брат, тётя, дядя, племянник, племянница, дочь, сын, внук, внучка). Она родилась в августе 1950 года. Она училась в Гарвардском университете на историческом факультете. Мама и папа познакомились в 1970 году на дискотеке. Через три года они решили пожениться. Я родилась в ноябре 1976 года, etc.
unusual day (most likely taught by Viktoria)
Watch and review: Any film that was covered this semester.
Prepare a skit: Working with another student from your 1122 section, select any scene(s) from the film that you chose to review, memorize the dialog, and be prepared to perform it in class. You may write your own skits or make changes in the dialog and the story, if you like, but keep the vocabulary close to the original. Send your script to the teacher for corrections and feedback. Finally, meet with your partner on Zoom and record your scene or skit.
Week 17: Sunday 05/12/24 - Saturday 05/18/24 [show/hide]
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Dept. of Comparative Literature • Russian Language Program • 240 Goldwin Smith Hall • Cornell University • Ithaca, NY 14853-4701, USA
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