Slava Paperno (director)
Krystyna Golovakova
Raissa Krivitsky
Viktoria Tsimberov
Richard L. Leed (1929-2011)
Lora Paperno (retired)

Requirements, etc.
2016 survey

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Viktoria Tsimberov, Slava Paperno, Raissa Krivitsky
Our main sequence of courses is team-taught by (left to right) Viktoria Tsimberov, Slava Paperno, and Raissa Krivitsky. Each of us also teaches his or her own courses. If we were to describe our program in three words, it would be "challenging, fulfilling, and fun." And very friendly!

Current Announcements (last updated January 8, 2024)

  • For instructors' Zoom links, office hours, current schedule, and similar information, please see Rooms and times on the left.
  • For all courses marked TBA in Cornell Roster and in our schedule on this website, see Organizational meeting below.
  • Organizational meeting for all Fall 2024 courses marked TBA will be held at 4:30 on the second day of classes in Room KG42 Klarman Hall. This meeting might also help if you're not sure which course is right for you.
  • Placement Test / CASE in Russian: Read Heritage/native speakers under Courses. If you find a course that is clearly right for you, go ahead and enroll in it. If you are not sure, or if you want credit for knowing or learning Russian before Cornell, take the Placement Test (or CASE). The time and place of the test (usually a couple of days before classes start) will be posted here in mid-August.
  • Russian Language Club at Cornell: Join the Facebook group (run by students) to stay updated. Join the listserv by sending an empty message with subject "Join" to [email protected]. The club's e-mail is [email protected].
  • Russian Conversation Hour at LRC: Cornell's Language Resource Center organizes informal meetings for students of various languages to get together and speak the language with no particular curriculum (and no homework!).
  • Russian Minor is offered in the Department of Comparative Literature. See details under Russian minor (link on the left).
  • Free on-campus tutoring at LSC (also LRC)
  • Ukrainian at Cornell. Several courses for those interested in Ukraine are available this semester on campus, in person, see Other full-length Ukrainian language courses can be taken by Cornell students in distance-learning mode at Columbia University, see the Class Roster. Questions? Please write to Krystyna Golovakova at [email protected].
  • Like us on Facebook!
  • Scholarships, study abroad, etc.:
    • February 15 is the application deadline for our Michael Harum Award. It applies to studying Russian in countries other than Russia, such as Latvia and Kyrgystan. See Study in Russia (and elsewhere outside the US) for the link.
    • The AATSEEL site under Outside resources always has relevant information on internships, graduate studies, and studying Russian abroad.
See Rooms and times for class meeting times and places; our office hours; and links to campus maps and building names.
Click Courses if you are looking for information on all our courses.
If you learned Russian at home or studied it in high school, see Russian for Russians under Courses.
For critical dates and the academic calendar, see Important Cornell links.
You will find contact information under Faculty. If you are new to the program and have a question, write to Slava Paperno.
From our students:
This Web site uses custom Russian fonts with accented vowels (ЂђЃ Љљѓ ЌќЊ, etc.).
If your browser does not display them correctly, follow these directions.
Dept. of Comparative Literature • Russian Language Program • 240 Goldwin Smith Hall • Cornell University • Ithaca, NY 14853-4701, USA
tel. 607/255-4155 • fax 607/255-8177 • email [email protected]